Is Orlando Florida Safe?

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Is Orlando Florida Safe?

Is Orlando Florida a safe place to live? Well this is not a simple answer because like all cities there are good and bad areas alike.


 But one way you can gain insight into weather this city is a place where you should live or run away from, you can look at public information like crime records and local communities.


 Now let's dive into the truth behind the safety in Orlando Florida.

Florida Man

I think all of us before coming to Florida have look into the safety in general. And I think the funniest that we have all done in recent years, is Google Florida man…


 If you haven't done this before I encourage you to do it to get some immediate laughs. but there is a sad truth to it.


 in Florida, it has gained a reputation as being a place where the crazies run wild, but unfortunately, this just isn't always the case. also remember they are usually populated areas where let's be honest the more people mean more crazy on average.


 but it is true Florida is a place where not only are there humans, with take that with a grain of salt haha, but also Wildlife that is out here to do harm if you get in their way. It's a state with the beauty that also has a dark side. 


How safe is orlando?

Orlando Weather

So I don't think it's any hidden secret that Florida has some severe weather. but it is a large State and other areas get affected more than others. So how does Orlando Stack Up?


 Well while you won't be escaping the crazy humid hot summers, you do have some protection from the brunt of major hurricanes.


Cities that run along the coast in Florida obviously are going to get the first brunt of any hurricane that hits the state. the great thing about Orlando is that it is surrounded by land and allows some protection from hurricanes.


 now there is no hiding it that Orlando still experiences Major winds, flooding, and level 1 tornadoes. and let's not forget relocating alligators during flooding LOL.


 with the right living placement, you are more protected than you would be in say Jacksonville 4 Miami.


 also while this isn't necessarily weathering if you've never looked into it forward a has what's called sinkhole alley.


 what is it you may ask, along Central Florida to Pensacola on the west coast you have major sinkholes that will swallow houses whole. The reason for this as I've been told is the majority of the land that makes up for de is limestone which is water soluble (dissolves inn water).


 now the part of Orlando that borders Polk County does have its share of sinkholes, but looking at the numbers they tend to be less than stay in Tampa so that is something to take note of if it concerns you.


Overall aside from the typical weather, Orlando is a sheltered great place to live compared to many other cities in Florida. 

Orlando Vs Tampa Crime

He said he's being so close together or always pitted against each other when it comes to this rating or that rating. But what does crime look like compared to each other?


 When looking at sites like that take the public information to rate safety End crime, Tampa has maintained a higher rating than Orlando in the past.


 What's interesting to me is that in the last year and a half it is actually become an equal comparison depending on where you live in each County.


 I will say that I think most cities are seeing higher crime given recent tensions in the past years, so a lot of these high crime areas are going to be in the center of the city. This is why if you are looking to move out here that you reach out to someone like me and my team who can help guide you and ensure you make the best decision for yourself and your family.


 Swell Tampa crime has maintained about the same rating on, and Orlando has seen some improvement in the overall crime rate. But it has had its fair share of large events in the past couple of years like I think all major cities have so keep that in mind.


 Really it comes down to what you need when moving out to either City and then based on your needs and income level how do those available areas stack up to each other. It's never as simple as looking at one city or the other and making a broad statement.

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Right To Defend yourself in Florida

Now, this is an issue I know is a major topic in the world today and especially in America. But like it or not Florida is a place where you have the right to defend yourself and your family.


 I can say that no matter where you live if it is a populated area you're probably going to be at higher risk of experiencing crime at some point in your stay there.


 But when it comes to your home and your family you have the right to defend yourself and your family by any means necessary within the law of course.


 while Florida has not passed constitutional carry at the time of writing this article, you are able to get a concealed carry permit to carry in public under rules of course. but at a minimum you have the right to defend your family inside your home, unlike other states, looking at you California.


 I know some will not like this portion of the article but it is a great pleasure knowing you live somewhere that supports your right to defend yourself. And I think many of us have made the move to Florida to not only have a better life but a better life for our family and that includes safety.


 but hey if you don't like the ability to defend yourself that's okay, Orlando and Florida and general allows you that choice and it intends to stay that way looking at the near future.

How safe is orlando?

Is Orlando Safe To Live?

Is Orlando Florida Safe? As I said Orlando is improving when it comes to Major crime in many neighborhoods, but at the same time it is still above the national average compared to the population.


 So if you don't have a high budget and don't intend to live in a gated community you need to be very conscious of where you set your roots.


 Thankfully in today's day in age real to look up real crime data, school ratings, and all other public information to make sure you're making the right decision when moving out here.


 That's why I and my team are here to help you because with the wrong decision you can end up hating your move to Orlando and that is something that no one wants.


 So if you're ready to make the move and you need help making sure that you choose the right area for your needs, your income, and your ability to live happily then reach out to us on Day's Night weekends it doesn't matter we're here to help you with moving to Orlando Florida. Contact us here

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